Listen to the full show (uploaded Mondays):
After centuries of shielding racism as “a way of life,” why is rural American breaking rank in support of #Black Lives Matter? In Callicoon, New York, a tiny 99.9% White upstate farm town of less than 3000 residents, a crowd of 500 demonstrators gathered to protest the police murder of George Floyd and too many others. Joining us today on the show seven organizers and participants who led the way in DEMONSTRATING “The Courage to Change”.
GUESTS: Tracy Broyles, Marcus Browne, Isaac Green Diebboll, Z. A. Kohloa, Hanrii Padu, Zariina Padu, Kristina Smith, and 12-year-old Simon Swartz. Demonstration audio and video courtesy of Rosie Starr (for WJFF) and documentary filmmaker Isaac Green Diebboll.
Hear the show streamed live Saturdays at 12:00 pm on WJFF Radio Catskill. Subscribe to our podcast (uploaded every Monday) and listen to past shows on SoundCloud.