DAWN PORTER, writer/producer, director of RISE AGAIN: Tulsa and the Red Summer

Films by Dawn Porter:

Music heard on the Show:

"Compared to What": Les McCann & Eddie Harris

From 1917 to 1923, there were 25 White Supremacist race massacres across the United States.  There was also a determination by Blacks to rise from the ashes.  Director, writer and producer DAWN PORTER returns to the show to bring us her new film, "RISE AGAIN: Tulsa and The Red Summer."  Infused with DeNeen L. Brown's literally-"groundbreaking" reporting (as you'll hear), Porter brings the people of Tulsa to life before our eyes and the 1921 Tulsa Massacre into sharper focus and context.  In remembrance and tribute, their spirits RISE AGAIN, lest we forget . . .

​Learn more about Dawn Porter's films HERE.

Mentioned on the show:
DeNeen L. Brown, Reporter, Washington Post
Rev. Robert R.A. Turner, Pastor, Historic Vernon AME Church
Reparations Tulsa Race Massacre survivors, U.S. Congress

​​​Hear the show streamed live Saturdays at 12:00 pm on WJFF Radio Catskill.  Subscribe to our podcast on AppleSoundCloudSpotify, and Stitcher

Tags: #slavery #race #racism #dawnporter #deneenbrown #revdrrobertturner #riseagain #tulsa #tulsamassacre #redsummer #redsummer1919 #humanrights #whitesupremacy #racism #usa #radiocatskill #sisterdays #africanamerican #history #livingwhileblack #blacklivesmatter #blm #votingrights #policebrutality #votersuppression #unitedstates #america #blackstudies #nationalgeographic 

Listen to the full show: 

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