LISTEN TO THE FULL SHOW (uploaded Mondays):
As we taped this program, these were the headlines: book bans, attacks on Black History, the dismantling of Affirmative Action and DEI initiatives. The resegregation of America and re-closing of the American mind could not be ignored. States were enacting laws banning the discussion and teaching of matters of race and gender identity in schools. District attorneys were again refusing to prosecute police officer the killing of Black victims--even a Black man with a legal weapon during a no knock warrant. In this environment, African Americans -- American citizens of African descent -- are being endangered by our government. Clearly we are under siege. What must we do to fortify our young people; to teach them not just how to survive but to thrive; to save their righteous minds, bodies and spirits? .
Our guests for this special 2-part episode of THE JANUS ADAMS SHOW and podcast are:
Cheerios commercial controversy
The Loving Couple, interracial marriage, and the law
Statistics, police brutality
Madam C. J. Walker's beauty products company's agents earned, on average, more than average White male employee. Source: SISTER DAYS: 365 Inspired Moments in African American Women's History by Janus Adams (see page "August 30"): "When a southern domestic earned $2 per week and her northern sister earned $10, the average Walker agent earned $23. With Walker's profit-sharing plans, agents reaped greater financial rewards for themselves, their families, and their communities than most of their white male peers...."
Hear more from MaryAnne Howland on these episodes of The Janus Adams Show: Rethinking the Terms of Business, Sister Days Sistafest, and Warrior Rising.