Best known as "Dr. Jeff America's Psychologist," you've seen him on CNN, MSNBC, and NBC's "The Today Show." You've heard his prescriptions for wellness through the pandemic and tough times. Now, he joins the show to confront how the current social climate: from the resurgence of racism in America and suppression of women's rights to the ongoing pandemic and effects of the War in Ukraine are impacting our psyches and emotional well-being. What's going on? How do we cope? How can we thrive in such difficult times? What do we tell our children? What do we tell ourselves?
Hear the show streamed live Saturdays at 12:00 pm on WJFF Radio Catskill. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Stitcher
Books by Dr. Jeff:
Music heard on the Show:
"Compared to What": Les McCann & Eddie Harris
Podcast uploads MONDAYS: