The Dreamer, The Drummer, The Struggle:

Dr. King, Max Roach, "Freedom NOW" 

Guests: Brother Ah and George Ferencz

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This week we’re honoring the Dream, the Struggle and two birthdays:  Dr. Martin Luther King (b. January 15) and my late husband, drummer/composer Max Roach (b. January 8). We're paying tribute to Dr. King, his vision, courage, gift of hope, and leadership with a performance of “The Dream,” a duet composed for solo drum by Max Roach with Dr. King's historic "I Have a Dream" speech at the March on Washington.  The show also features Max' masterwork WE INSIST: The Freedom NOW Suite with two special guests who worked with Max and called him friend: musician Brother Ah and stage director George Ferencz.

​“The Janus Adams Show” airs and streams live Saturdays at 4:00 pm on WJFF.  Subscribe to our podcast (uploaded every Monday) and listen to past shows on SoundCloud. 

Tags: Dr. King, Max Roach, Brother Ah, George Ferencz, Freedom NOW Suite, Sam Shepard, Black Music Month 
