Music heard on this week's show: 


Listen to the full show (uploaded Mondays):

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Mentioned on this week's show: 

At a time when states are passing legislation to shun and victimize transgender children, my guest on this special Mother's Day program is JODIE PATTERSON.  An activist mom and advocate for the rights of non-gender-conforming people and their families.  She's on a mission to keep her transgender son--every child--healthy, happy, unscathed by bigotry and alive!   

She's the author of two groundbreaking books: THE BOLD WORLD: A Memoir of Family and Transformation, for adult readers, and her newest book, BORN READY: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope, for young readers.

A social activist and entrepreneur, she was named Family Circle magazine’s "Most Influential Mom in 2018." She works closely with a number of gender/family/human rights organizations and is the chair of the board of directors of the Human Rights Campaign. The mother of five children, two of whom are self-proclaimed gender nonconformists—one transgender and another genderqueer, Jodie raises her family in Brooklyn, New York. 


The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) 

Hear the show streamed live Saturdays at 12:00 pm on WJFF Radio Catskill.  Subscribe to our podcast (uploaded every Monday) and listen to past shows on SoundCloud.

Mother's Day, mothers, children, African American, BIPOC, racism, sexism, homophobia, gender, non-conforming, transgender, boys, girls, Human Rights, Human Rights Campaign, women, public radio, WJFF,  COVID19,  NPR,