Hear the full show: 

PROOF: The evidence or sequence of steps that compel the mind to accept a thing as true. 

PROOF: A trial positive print from a negative.

This week on the show, LEORA KAHN, Founder and Executive Director of PROOF: Media for Social Justice. Transformational photography, visual storytelling for human rights and peace-building.  Based in New York City and celebrating its 10th anniversary year, PROOF brings together photographers, documentarians, journalists, academics, students, and activists to create exhibitions, publications, and workshops that document social injustices and empower the broader public to act to change the world.  Through moving firsthand testimonies and powerful photo narratives, PROOF has engaged millions, globally, in conversations about human rights, peace, and justice.

Additional Guests:

  • Dr. JOEL R. PRUCE: International Human Rights Scholar at the University of Dayton.
  • MICHAEL KIRBY SMITH: freelance photographer and video journalist for The New York Times

Hear the show streamed live Saturdays at 12:00 noon on WJFF Radio Catskill.  Subscribe to our podcast (uploaded every Monday) and listen to past shows on SoundCloud.

Tags: Human Rights, Proof Media, photography, Leora Kahn, Joel Pruce, Michael Kirby Smith, storytelling, 
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Leora Kahn  

Picturing Moral Courage: We can teach going from being a Bystander to an Upstander
