M​entioned on the show

Listen to the full show (uploaded Mondays)

© Janus Adams LLC 2021

RELEASE: Clutter-Free, Soul-Driven 

Peggy Fitzsimmons, PhD, Psychologist and Author

Music heard on the Show

"Compared to What": Les McCann & Eddie Harris
"Whenever I tell someone that I declutter for a living, they invariably say “Ohhh! I need that!” Then they pull me aside for a quick consult about the closet full of clothes they never wear, the stuff their grandma left them they don’t really want, and the never-ending piles of paper in their office. They tell me life is 'crazy busy' and that their house is in perpetual chaos. They share how they feel chronically anxious and how they take the edge off with a nightly glass, or two or three, of wine. Pretty soon they’re talking about their relationship troubles, and something that happened a few years ago that still keeps them up at night, and how they hate their job but could never make a living doing what they really want to do.

"At some point, they wistfully say how great it would be to get rid of everything— including their family—and move to a small cottage at the beach with their dog. And then they drop to a whisper and reveal their deeper secret: 'I just don’t feel connected to anything, you know … spiritual.' I feel their longing to release the clutter in their lives and come home to themselves. Sometimes they reach out to me to help them get started. Very often they don’t, but I know they want to. Their soul is calling to them, but they aren’t sure they can heed the call. Since you picked up this book, you’re also hearing the call. Don’t worry. You’re not going crazy. You’re just waking up."

~ Peggy Fitzsimmons, PhD

​What are your hopes for the year ahead? How will you turn the page on one year and rethink priorities for a new?  "Wake up" with psychologist and author Peggy Fitzsimmons as she speaks on: life, work, the Omega Institute, Oprah Winfrey’s “Super Soul” series, Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper, Dr. Michael Beckwith’s visionary prognosis, healing our world from the inside out, and her new book, RELEASE: Create a Clutter-Free, Soul-Driven Life.   

​​​Hear the show streamed live Saturdays at 12:00 pm on WJFF Radio Catskill.  Subscribe to our podcast on AppleSoundCloudSpotify, and Stitcher

Tags:#PeggyFitzsimmons #WJFF #RadioCatskill #release #book #healing #storytelling #psychology #clutter #soul #author #npr #podcast #PublicRadio #mariashriver #sundaypaper #supersoul #MichaelBeckwith #work #life #OmegaInstitute