Mentioned on the show:

Show/podcast uploads Mondays

Music heard on the Show:

"Compared to What": Les McCann & Eddie Harris

"No Ways Tired": Peter Collins with Infinity Song

"No Ways Tired": Dedicated to Anna Watts

Photos by Andrea "Philly" Walls

Celebration of Life (Ramona Africa), Couples Skate, Church Carnival - all images copyright (c) Andrea Walls



What is Black Joy and why do we need a museum for it?  That’s the deceptively simple question propelling this interview through uncharted waters to unexpected depths. 

Meet Philly Walls: poet, photographer, multidisciplinary artist, curator and creator of the digital installation, The Museum of Black Joy—a “borderless refuge for the observation, cultivation, celebration, and preservation of Black joy.”  

From Philadelphia’s 1985 MOVE massacre to the Harlem Renaissance, Black Arts Movement, moments of everyday wonders and beyond, Walls takes us to that place that recalls the African American hymn-turned-anthem, “I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired” and sets our spirits soaring.    

Philly Walls' Museum of Black Joy

Philly Wall's poetry The BlackBodyCurve

Philadelphia's MOVE Massacre

Harlem Renaissance

Black Arts Movement

​​​Hear the show streamed live Saturdays at 12:00 pm on WJFF Radio Catskill.  Subscribe to our podcast on AppleSoundCloudSpotify, and Stitcher​​

Tags: #PhillyWalls #art #museum #tulsa #neighborhood #africanamerican #blm #blacklivesmatter #MOVEmassacre #philadelphia #humanrights #npr #publicradio #wjffradio #race #courage 

© Janus Adams LLC 2022 

Philly Walls features other artists: COMPOSITE by Charlyn Magdalene Griffith Oro