Web Extras:

Listen to the full show: 

Syreeta McFadden writing for NPR's "Code Switch":

"Black Bodies in White Words, Or: Why We need Claudia Rankine" - There is a cartoon circulating right now...

Cartoon: "Eric Garner, Ferguson, and why whites just can’t relate" Ann Telnaes, Washington Post

Syreeta McFadden:

Teaching the Camera to See Her Face 

"I told a friend I hated taking pictures of Black people with color film.  So, I avoided it.  I used black and white film.  What I came to learn is that I wasn't paranoid about that.  Kodak - maybe until the late 90s - didn't design their film stock to read darker skin."

This week on THE JANUS ADAMS SHOW: Writer/photographer; Huffington Post, Guardian, and Buzz Feed contributor, Syreeta McFadden: seeing, saying, changing the narrative.  

And what was that she said about Beyoncé?! 

Hear the show streamed live Saturdays at 4:00 pm on WJFF Radio Catskill.  Subscribe to our podcast (uploaded every Monday) and listen to past shows on SoundCloud.

Tags: Beyoncé, Syreeta McFadden, African American, Memoir, Photography, Poetry, BuzzFeed, The Guardian, Huffington Post 

Syreeta McFadden writing for BuzzFeed:

"Teaching the Camera to See My Skin: Navigating photography’s inherited bias against dark skin."

Photos: Syreeta McFadden

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